
The removal of ‘dislike’ button on YouTube will play into the hands of progressive woke inquisitions attempting to fundamentally change American society.

The removal of ‘dislike’ button on YouTube will play into the hands of progressive woke inquisitions attempting to fundamentally change American society.
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The removal of ‘dislike' button on YouTube will play into the hands of progressive woke inquisitions attempting to fundamentally change American society.

The opportunity for viewers to ‘downvote’ on videos is the one aspect that separates YouTube from the competition. This helps to filter out low-quality content while still having a democratic purpose. That influence will soon be lost.
While it pricked many delicate egos, one of the features that made YouTube so appealing was that it trusted ordinary Joes to play emperor in the coliseum of ideas. Users are given the ability to toggle the ‘off with its head’ symbol of absolute rejection after viewing a specific video. Alternatively, it can vote in favor of the work, thus promoting more of such high-quality works.

The method may seem to be brutal and tear-inducing, but it is much preferable to wasting 10 minutes of your precious life waiting on something that never happens. However, in these awakened days, thoughts and emotions are all and should be handled as if they were snowflakes in the wake of a flamethrower. At least, that’s what YouTube will have us believe.

YouTube revealed a “limited experiment” initiated “in response to creator input about well-being and tailored dislike promotions” in one of those obscure and vapid corporate bulletins that never offers clear facts to support its arguments (you know, since “we are a privately owned outfit, and if you don’t like it, you can shop elsewhere”) I’m sure Dr. Frankenstein whispered something similarly incomprehensible before entering his laboratory. To make matters worse, YouTube made the announcement via Twitter, which does not encourage users to express their immediate ‘thumbs down’ disappointment, which, judging from the heated responses that resulted, must have greatly outnumbered the number of thumbs up.

Political analysts, being the cruel cynics that they are, were swift to say that YouTube was doing Joe Biden’s PR squad a massive personal favor by deactivating the big mean thumb, which has seen a lot of action since the doddering Democrat took the Oval Office just weeks ago. Indeed, while the record-keepers would have us believe that Biden received more votes than any other presidential nominee in US history, his YouTube success has never lived up to the incredible claim; not a single White House video featuring the US president has received more up-votes than down-votes.